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  2. Audits and Inspections

How do I export an audit to PDF on the web?

Firstly, you will need to login to your Notify account, you can do this here

1. Click on Audits


2. Select the audit you would like to export to PDF

Tip: Use the filters to narrow down your data


3. Optionally hide areas of the audit

On the bottom right of the screen, you will see the above boxes. 

To shorten the length of the PDF, you can choose to hide sections marked as not applicable, any comments and unanswered questions. 


4. Click 'Export to PDF' 

You will then see you have two options: Export Full Audit to PDF or Export Summary Audit to PDF. 

Choose one of these to begin downloading to your device.

The Export Full Audit to PDF option will include all audit details including the general details of the audit such as the audit number, assignee, location completed etc., and all questions & answers.

The Export Summary Audit to PDF option will include fields with the 'Include in Summary Report' box checked in the Form Template: 

If you haven't chosen this option on any fields, the Export Summary feature will generate a table summary of the audit sections; the score and grading achieved in each section, along with an overall score and grade - so long as this is enabled in the Form Template.