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Incident Management Mobile App FAQ's

What are the key functionality changes?

The new Incident Management Mobile App has been revamped and focuses mainly on improving usability rather than functionality. Some enhancements recently introduced are:

  • Ability to select multiple images from your device gallery
  • Combining Date/Time fields
  • Improved syncing
  • Better indication of incomplete fields
  • Dark mode on iOS maps.
  • Conditional Questioning
  • Scrollable Stepper for better navigation
  • Table of Contents for quicker access
  • Improved visual cues for unanswered questions
  • Improved Report Summary Review Screen

Why do we have to install a new mobile app, when the existing one works just fine?

Notify are always keeping abreast of leveraging the latest technology to ensure a performant, scalable and secure service. As part of our duty of care to our customers and to future proof our mobile apps, the Notify IM mobile app is being rewritten in market leading technology that will unlock opportunities for new features and enhancements in the future.

Why are you forcing us to re-enter the company name?

As this is new technology, it will be using an improved secure locally stored database, meaning that when the app installs it will overwrite the previous version.

 I can’t really see any massive improvements in the app, so why force us on to it?

We’ve focused on keeping the general look and feel of the Notify IM app the same for familiarity with some small usability refinements and improvements based on customer feedback. We are confident that your teams will love the new experience.

Can I change my company code, feels like a good time to?

We recommend initially that you use your existing Company Code and get your teams using the new Notify IM app. We can support you at a later point in time in how you can do this via our service desk.

 Does my IT team need to be involved in this?

When the new version of the Notify IM is available from the IOS / Android App stores, your teams will be prompted that an updated version of the mobile is available. This update initially will be an optional update, meaning that you can continue to use the old app for a period of time and we will keep prompting until they install the updated app. 

We will from the 1st July mandate that the new app must be installed to continue submitting incidents.

 How am I going to communicate this out into my business and supply change?

We will be providing clients with a template to support communications. Should you require further support, you can request this via our Support Team.

Why now, it’s not a good time for my business, can I wait?

We have a phased approach to roll out of the IM mobile app update which allows for clients to prepare their business / end users for the mandated update of the app scheduled on the 1st July 2024.

What benefits will my workers get from this new IM app?

  • Future proof technology ensuring the performance, scalability and security of your H&S data.

  •  Familiarity of the user experience, but with some nice new refinements 

Will you be forcing us to upgrade to this app?

Yes, you will be forced to upgrade to the latest Notify IM App from the 1st July 2024

When does the old app become no longer supported?

Today’s Notify IM App (v3.x) will become unsupported after the 1st July 2024 when the new app will be mandated to all organisations.

Will there be a new update for the Notify A&I App? Is so when?

Yes, there will be an updated version of the Notify A&I app. We expect this to available before the summer holidays and will communicate further updates once the release date is confirmed

What should I do if I find an issue in the mobile app?

If you find a bug within the mobile app, please contact the Notify support team who’ll be able to assist you in getting this resolved

Will the app still support multi-language? If so, are there any new languages?

The mobile applications will continue to still support multi-languages. Today, Notify only supports the following languages passed into Notify Cloud - English, Russian, Mongolian, French, German, Dutch, and Spanish

Has this new mobile app been through security / pen testing?

You can be assured that we take the responsibility of securing our customers data with the up most importance. This is one of the key drivers for updating the technology that sits behind our Notify IM and Notify A&I mobile apps.

Our Cloud and Mobile applications are pen tested annually via a 3rd party CREST accredited security expert and we will continue with this duty of care. Our next annual Pen Test is due in November/December 2024.

 Will my existing QR Codes and Posters around the business continue to work?

There won’t be any changes to how customers access reporting via a QR code that is shared across your business unless you have specifically changed your company code as part of the transition.

Where do I go to log functionality that I do not see the mobile app have today, but I would like to see added?

If there is functionality missing in the mobile app that you would like to see, please log into in our Safety Revolution Portal

What is conditional questioning?

Conditional questioning tailors follow-up questions based on previous answers, ensuring relevant safety data is collected efficiently.

For example:

  1. Yes/No Questions:

    • "Did you observe any safety hazards today?"
      • If Yes: "Please describe the hazard."
      • If No: Move to the next question.
  2. List Field Options:

    • "Which area of the site did you inspect?"
      • Options: Warehouse, Office, Manufacturing Floor.
      • If Warehouse: Ask about warehouse safety conditions.
      • If Office: Ask about office safety conditions.

This approach targets specific situations, making it easier to identify and address risks.