Notify Cloud - v6.5

Explore our latest release of enhancements and the new features of Notify Cloud - v6.5.

Scheduled release date: 27th September 2023

Audits Scheduling

Schedule Audits by Location

We have enhanced or Audit Scheduling feature to enable the ability to schedule audits by location to assigned auditors.

Important Note: The Audit Form Template will need require a Location field set to include Org Structure and be Geo Tagged.

Risk Assessments

Dynamically Add Sections to Risk Assessment Templates

We have introduced the ability to dynamically add new sections and questions to Risk Assessment Templates 

Add further field questions to Risk Assessment Templates

You can also add field questions to Risk Assessment Templates.

Add Pictures to Rich Text Fields

You can now add pictures to Rich Text fields on your Risk Assessment Templates.

Incident Workflow Enhancements

We have made further enhancements to the configurability of Incident Workflows:

Notify can now support you in configuring Global Lists and Incident Workflows to Auto Flag Incidents as Lost Time and or Reportable.

System User - ability to set Incident as Reportable based on response to a question

Notify can support you in configuring Incident Workflows to be able to auto flag an Incident as Reportable. For example, it may be a question such as ‘Is this Incident serious enough to warrant being reported to HSE?' with Yes/No field type and where ‘Yes’ is selected it will then auto flag the Incident as Reportable.

General Usability Improvements

Enhanced table headers - Incidents/Audits/Risk/Actions/Method Statements

We have improved the visibility and colour scheme of Table Headers across all the Notify Web application.

Incidents - Export Summary Data to CSV

We have included a new ‘Export Summary Data to CSV’ option that provides a condensed version of incident export including the basic incident reported information and information relating to any lost time.

Attachments - Preview Pictures

You can now preview picture attachments without having to download and open them. You can either click the image and it will automatically preview or use our handy icons at the footer of the picture to open the preview on a new browser tab or download it.

Attachments - Preview PDF Documents

You can now preview PDF attachments without having to download and open them. Simply click the Open in new tab icon, and your PDF document will automatically open and previewed on a new browser tab.

Lost Time Incident Updates - Email & SMS Notifications

We have enhanced our Lost Time Incident Email & SMS Notification so that you have a choice of either subscribing to the following:

  • New Lost Time Incidents - will now only send an email notification when the Incident is flagged as Lost Time
  • Lost Time Incident Updates - will only send an email notification if a Lost Time Incident record is updated.

Add ‘Status’ & 'Is Excluded' column to Export LTI/Reportable to CSV

To help improve reconciliation of Lost Time, we have included Status and Excluded columns in your Export LTI/Reportable to CSV so that you can clearly identify any Lost Time Incidents that have been marked as Excluded or Cancelled.

My Company Settings - Action Settings - Hide Can’t Do Status

It is now possible to hide the ‘Can’t Do' status on Actions via My Company Settings. 

Once this has been enabled to ON, action assignees will no longer see the ‘Can’t Do' status when providing updates to their assigned actions.

Incident Activity - SMS Notifications

When an SMS Notification is triggered for an Incident that is High Priority/Reportable/Lost Time, we will now record in the Incident Activity the data and time it was sent, to whom it was sent.



Incident Tracker v2 - include Auto Calc of Lost Days

The Incident Tracker v2 Dashboard now includes any auto calculated lost time days within Total Lost Days tile.

Security Enhancements

Security - Auto Log out due to Inactivity

We recognise that data captured and processed in Health & Safety tools such as Notify contains personally identifiable and commercially sensitive or confidential information.

To make sure your data stays safe and secure, we've added a new feature that will automatically log you out if you're not using Notify for 15 minutes. This happens if you step away from your computer, forget to lock your screen, or leave inactive browser tabs open. It doesn't matter if you have multiple tabs open in your web browser; if any of them are inactive, you'll be logged out of all your sessions after 15 minutes. This helps protect your information and keeps your account secure.

Don’t worry though, if you’re still actively moving your mouse, browsing in Notify and updating data we won’t log you off.

Security & Penetration Testing

It is not all about delivering new features, at Notify we take the security of our customer data as our number one priority.

Annually we invest in third party CREST Accredited Security experts to undertake Penetration Testing, designed to seek out security vulnerabilities and weaknesses with our commitment to remediate and remove these.

We also regularly assess our Notify Web and Mobile applications against the Top 10 OWASP vulnerabilities on a quarterly basis.

Performance Improvements, Scalability and Load Testing

As Notify grows and with more customers and users around the world, we want to ensure the performance and scalability of our Web and Mobile applications are not only fit for purpose now, but also into the future.

We have invested significantly in third party experts conducting Load Testing to replicate high demands on our software and infrastructure, which will help Notify to identify where we need to make improvements.

Technical Debt

At Notify we call this ‘keeping our lights on!!'. This is about good housekeeping to ensure the infrastructure, code, third party components and the plumbing we use is maintained, secure and in good working order.

Scheduled Downtime

As always, there will be scheduled downtime on the morning of Wednesday 27th September to allow us to introduce these new features into Notify. We will endeavour to keep any disruption to a minimum.